La Palma volcano excursion

Discover the geological wonder of La Palma on this exclusive excursion to the striking newly-formed Tajogaite volcano. By booking the tour in advance, companies offer options for hotel pickup (more expensive) or hiking only (more economical). With visitor safety as a priority, a volcanic gas expert constantly monitors the area to ensure optimal conditions during the tour. In the rare case of gas level anomalies, the visit will be cancelled.

Volcano Tajogaite

La Palma Tajogaite Volcano Excursion: Discovering the Power of Nature

The hike to the imposing volcanic cone will last 3 hours and 30 minutes, covering a total distance of 6 km, this is a medium-low difficulty route. The hike begins from the Llano del Jable. You will walk between ash and lapilli, observing the effects of the volcano on the vegetation and the regenerative capacity of the Canarian pine. You will arrive less than 100 meters from the Tajogaite volcano crater and enjoy a spectacular view of the lava flow that transformed the Aridane Valley.

The route will allow you to experience up close how it was formed after the collapse of the magma mouths. Expert guides will provide you with detailed information and answer all your questions about this unique natural phenomenon. After this enriching tour, you will return by the same route, taking with you unforgettable memories of this exciting adventure.

Alternatively, boat tours departing from Puerto de Tazacorte are offered, which provide the opportunity to observe the recent fajanas formations generated by the volcano, from a maritime perspective and with total safety.

excursion nuevo volcan La Palma
New Volcán La Palma Excursion

La Palma Volcanic Eruption

What happened on September 19, 2021?

In September 2021, a new volcano emerged in La Palma, one of the most enchanting islands in the Canary Islands. The so-called “Cumbre Vieja” is located in a natural park and is part of one of the most active volcanic complexes in the region. With a history of historic eruptions, such as those of San Juan (1949) and Teneguía (1971), this new volcano has transformed the landscape of La Isla Bonita.

The eruption of the Tajogaite volcano in Cumbre Vieja has caused significant changes, covering approximately 1,190 hectares with lava and ash and causing material damage. In addition, the lava, upon meeting the sea, has added land to the island. Prior to the eruption, the island experienced seismic movements and land uplift, and during the eruption, toxic gases and accumulated magma were released.

Fortunately, during the volcanic eruption in La Palma, the lava flowed slowly, which allowed the Canary Islands Civil Protection to evacuate the affected residents in time. The eruption left a significant impact on the island, destroying 1,628 buildings over a period of 12 weeks. The process of reconstruction and scientific analysis of the terrain, its composition and gas emissions has continued since then.

lava fluyendo al mar
Lava fluyendo al mar

Recommendations for visiting the Tajogaite Volcano

  • It is not allowed to collect volcanic ash or stones
  • Do not stray from the path
  • Wear comfortable clothing and shoes and bring water
  • It is advisable to bring a cap and a scarf to protect yourself from volcanic ash in case of wind.
Recomendaciones excursion nuevo volcan La palma

How to see the La Palma volcano


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