Papas arrugadas with mojo souce

The potato is one of the most prominent ingredients in Canarian cuisine. In the Canary Islands and South America, what’s known as “patata” in other parts of Spain is called “papa.” The arrival of potatoes in Europe was recorded in 1573, but the first reference to their presence in the Canary Islands dates back to November 1567. This means that potatoes were known in the islands before anywhere else in Europe.

papas arrugadas

Discover the authentic essence of Canarian cuisine with the delicious “papas arrugadas” served with “mojo” sauce from La Palma

While potato varieties in Europe have evolved over time, in the Canary Islands, multiple local cultivars have been maintained that preserve the practices and traditions of cultivating the primitive tubers that arrived in the islands from America. Currently, potato farming covers around 9% of the total cultivated area in the Canary Islands.

In any Canarian restaurant, one of the most popular dishes is “papas arrugadas” with “mojo”, a typical Canarian sauce that accompanies meat, fish, and of course, the “papas arrugadas”. In La Palma, you can find more than 10 potato varieties, with the “papa negra” being one of the most valued, although it’s hard to find in restaurants. Usually, a small potato called “bonita” is used, boiled in water (historically seawater) with salt. It’s eaten with its skin and accompanied by red and green “mojo picón” sauces.

In summary, the potato is a fundamental ingredient in Canarian cuisine, and in La Palma, you can find multiple local varieties that have remained true to their cultivation practices and traditions. The “papas arrugadas” with “mojo” are a typical dish from the region that you must try if you visit the Canary Islands.


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