Los Indianos Festival 2024

los indianos festival 2024
12 de February de 2024

Are you ready for a memorable adventure? Mark your calendar for February 12, 2024! On this day, as per tradition, Santa Cruz de La Palma celebrates Carnival Monday, coinciding with "Los Indianos," a notable festivity in La Palma, Canary Islands. This celebration is characterized by its Cuban-style music and festive atmosphere, attracting numerous visitors to the island.

los indianos festival la palma


Embark on a Unique Adventure: Los Indianos Festival, one of the Best and Most Exciting Festivities of Your Life

During the Fiesta de los Indianos, the island's port welcomes several cruise ships, bringing in more than 7,000 tourists from these ships alone, and in total, over 60,000 visitors from nearby islands, Spain, and other parts of Europe attend the Indianos carnival. Given the event's popularity, it's advisable to make your travel and accommodation reservations well in advance. And don't forget, it's essential to dress entirely in white for the occasion.

Although the carnivals of Tenerife and Gran Canaria may be more well-known, Los Indianos stands out for its uniqueness and cultural appeal. Rooted in the 19th century, this festival pays homage to the islanders known as “indianos” who emigrated to Cuba in search of the Americas, and returned with wealth from their adventures.The celebration keeps alive the historical and cultural ties between the Island of La Palma and Cuba.

The Fiesta de Los Indianos in La Palma is an event full of music, flavors, and traditions. Talcum powder, an iconic component of the celebration, covers the streets in white, creating a magical atmosphere. Participants enjoy the rhythm of conga music, güiros, maracas, while tasting local delicacies like beerssugar cane juicesrum, and cigars.

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The Day of Los Indianos: A Fascinating Journey Through the Display of Culture and Traditions

The celebration begins at noon in the Plaza de España, with an event called La Espera. The iconic character, La Negra Tomasa La Palma, represents the service women who accompanied the wealthy indianos and marks the beginning of the festivity.

The festive atmosphere extends throughout the historic center, with Cuban music and drinks such as mojitos, beers, and sugar cane juices. The magnitude of the event is such that the city's population increases from about 15,000 inhabitants to 70,000 during the celebration.

Seize the opportunity to experience the Los Indianos Festival and discover why this event has captivated visitors from around the world. Join the Indianos of La Palma and immerse yourself in this unique and unforgettable celebration.

10:00 a.m. Arrival of Negra Tomasa and her family at the Port of Santa Cruz de La Palma, to the sound of the conga.

10:20 a.m. Negra Tomasa reaches the stage at the Central Carnival Venue.

10:30 a.m. "The Wait". Atrium of the City Hall.

11:30 a.m. In Plaza de España, a plaque unveiling by the municipal authorities and the Honorable Consul of the Republic of Cuba in the Canary Islands, renaming Plaza de España as Plaza de La Habana for one day. This tribute honors the many Palmeros who achieved a flourishing future through their efforts abroad and commemorates the old Rambla de Cuba, which named the first stretch of Avenida El Puente. The group Orillas del Son provides musical entertainment. The event concludes with the eagerly awaited arrival of Negra Tomasa.

Throughout the day and night, the following musical groups will perform in the main squares:

1:30 p.m. Performance by Septeto Palmero.

3:30 p.m. Performance by Son de Almizcle.

5:00 p.m. Performance by Fran Ramos.

6:30 p.m. DJ Membé. 8:00 p.m. DJs

10:00 a.m. Los Verseadores.

11:00 a.m. Parranda Los Derrepentes.

12:30 p.m. Group Los Viejos.

2:00 p.m. Pepe Benavente.

4:00 p.m. Parranda La Laja.

5:30 p.m. Group Ilusión Gomera.

7:00 p.m. Parranda Son del Tilo.

8:30 p.m. Parranda Los Boinas.

10:00 p.m. Group Libertad.

2:00 p.m. DJ Membé.

4:00 p.m. Troveros de Asieta.

6:00 p.m. Septeto Palmero.

8:00 p.m. Changó.

11:00 a.m. Parranda La Laja.

2:00 p.m. Siempre Ellas.

10:00 p.m. Orillas del Són.

Midnight. Popular Verbena with the orchestras Tropicana's and ACuatro.

4:00 a.m. DJ Equis.

3:00 p.m. Guateque Son.

5:00 p.m. Parranda El Lagar.

los indianos la palma by night

carnival los indianos la palma

carnival la palma

Dress Code for Los Indianos: A Style Guide for the Palmero Carnival

The Indianos clothing is synonymous with elegance and distinction during the most emblematic day of the Palmero carnival. The predominant color palette includes whites, beige, and pastel tones.

For women:

    • Indianos women's clothing features delicate dresses, adorned with details like lace and embroidery.

    • Essential accessories include flowery hats, gloves or mittens, and fans.

    • In terms of jewelry, an abundance of jewels is a distinctive feature of the women's attire for Los Indianos.

For men:

    • Indianos men's clothing consists of frock coats or complete suits.

    • Cotton vests, guayaberas, and Panamanian hats are key pieces in the male wardrobe.

    • A gold leontine adorning their jackets, adding a touch of sophistication, is a must-have.

Regardless of gender, trunks and old suitcases full of jewels, gifts, and money are traditional elements many carry during Los Indianos. The luckiest, reflecting their success abroad, may even be accompanied by their servants.

outfit los indianos for woman

dress code los indianos for woman

man dress code los indianos


New Poster of los Indianos 2024 edition

Exactly one month before the big day, on January 12th, the Mayor presented the official poster of Los Indianos 2024 to the citizens. This year, the design has been created by Yenthami Perez Gonzales and Anthea Rodriguez Lopez, students of the Manolo Blahnik School in Santa Cruz de La Palma.

This creation is a tribute to the legacy of Antonio Abdo, a renowned artist and writer known for being the creator of the famous episode 'La Espera', who sadly passed away last year.

The Charm of La Palma's Carnival: Fiesta de la Peluca and Día de Los Indianitos, Predecessor Events of Los Indianos Festival

La Palma's Carnival reaches its climax with the unparalleled Los Indianos Festival, but it's not the only highlight during this festive season. In fact, other unmissable celebrations and activities take place during the weekend prior to Los Indianos.

For example, the Friday before, in a back street next to the Cabildo de La Palma, the fun Fiesta de la Peluca (Wig Party) is held. This event, which takes place during the afternoon and evening, invites everyone to dance and enjoy, as well as participate in a contest for the best wigs, where groups of friends and coworkers join the competition.

Similarly, on the Sunday before the anticipated Monday of Carnival, Día de Los Indianitos is celebrated. From noon and throughout the afternoon, Plaza de España becomes the perfect stage for children to enjoy a version of Los Indianos tailored to them. This adaptation includes talcum powder, games, workshops, music, and dance, ensuring a memorable experience for the little ones.

Recommendations for Indianos Festival 2024

    • Book your flight and accommodation well in advance. This event is in high demand, and tickets, as well as rental apartments and rooms, sell out quickly. Keep in mind that prices during these dates are very high. See how to get to La Palma

    • On the day of Los Indianos, most restaurants are 'behind closed doors' and can only be accessed with an advanced reservation. However, you will find small beach bars and food truck stands to grab a bite on Avenida Marítima.

    • Don't miss the chance to try an exquisite Palmero mojito made with freshly squeezed sugar cane juice, Aldea rum, lime, and local mint.

    • If your accommodation is outside Santa Cruz, avoid taking the car to the party, as finding parking is very difficult. The bus service is excellent. See lines and services

    • If you don't have a talcum powder bottle with you, don't worry, you can find it for sale anywhere in the city.

    • It is recommended to carry your mobile phone in an airtight bag or protect it properly from the abundant dust. Bags and other useful accessories are available in souvenir shops.

    • It's essential to be dressed in white.

Traveling to La Palma in February

Although temperatures usually range between 13 and 21 degrees Celsius, February is known for being one of the coldest and wettest periods of the year; however, this does not affect the celebration of the Indianos carnival. You should consider this climatic factor when packing your luggage. Even though the weather in the capital tends to be comfortable, conditions can change rapidly. Therefore, we suggest including a warm garment, such as a jacket or shawl, in your attire.


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